First I was born, and then the trouble began.
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Area Woman Exploits Young Boy's Wood

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3854 days ago
Blacksburg VA
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life or death

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life or death

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3864 days ago
Actually, a pretty cool game once you figure it out!
Blacksburg VA
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one universe over someone writes a love song and everyone looks up from their build files, their minds: blown

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February 18th, 2014next

February 18th, 2014: GUYS you know what comes out tomorrow? The Midas Flesh #3! I wrote it and Shelli and Braden drew it and if you like the Adventure Time comic (which we also create!) we think you'll like this too! You can read more about the book here, read the first few pages of the comic here, get the book at your local comic store, or get digital copies!

Man look at all those links! MY advice is to probably click at least one of them!!

One year ago today: pride and prejudice and printing errors

– Ryan

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3897 days ago
Very few musical groups have composed songs which incorporate viable advice for compile or run-time errors.
Blacksburg VA
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The Desolation of Tolkien

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The Desolation of Tolkien

I was recently subjected to the latest installment of the Hobbit movie franchise by an individual who shall remain nameless, as I’m pretty sure they could be tried in court for this sort of thing (Liz!). Needless to say, I was not a fan of the film. Watching the first bits of The Desolation of Smaug, it seemed like the studio decided to spit on the concept, but a little over a third of the way in, it became clear that they’d simply lost half the pages in the novel and decided to make a bunch of things up rather than get themselves a fresh copy. I mean, who can blame them? Making awful film adapations of wonderful novels is a busy lifestyle, I’m sure.

Okay, so I’m being a little hyperbolic. The movie wasn’t really an atrocity if you take it as its own thing. Trumped up Hollywood crap certainly makes up a good portion of the film and quite bit of it seems to just be taken from someone’s fan fiction journal, but there are glimmers of the original writing in it and those moments are quite nice. Still, it’s a difficult thing to see a story you care quite a bit about mucked about with in such a way, especially when so many of the changes are utterly unnecessary. The scene mentioned in today’s strip, where the dwarves are headed down the river in their barrels, definitely springs to mind. All the bits with that one dwarf and the lady guard of the elves were also extremely goofy. Oh, and about 80% of those scenes with the CGI orcs…

I guess there was rather a lot I found unnecessary.

The pacing in the movie was probably the most awkward thing about it. The film’s creators seemed to rush through everything that was actually in the book and linger on all the unnecessary crap they decided to add to it. What was the deal with that?

All that said, Ian McKellan’s Gandalf was absolutely amazing, as usual, and was the only thing that made parts of the movie watchable. Most scenes only provoked an irritated buzzing in my brain that simply wouldn’t quit, a buzzing that was reduced noticeably whenever McKellan had some interesting bit of acting to do, thankfully. It was almost as if his presence anchored the movie. When the fellow disappeared, they suddenly found themselves with footage full of Legolas leaping around like a goddamn parkour champion while he kills orcs that were never supposed to be there in the first place.

Anyway, this blog turned into a bit of a rant and I apologize for that. Quite a lot of people seemed to enjoy the film so I’m probably in the minority but as a fan of the original work, it is difficult for me to keep quiet about it. The Hobbit, as many of you know, was one of the first books I ever read and was certainly the first novel I ever read and one that I’ve returned to many times. While it’s not a perfect story, it is a wonderful work with a lot of character and a lot of charm, one that really doesn’t need a lot of embellishment to make a good and exciting film.

There will be another comic on Friday, I’ve already got one written so prepare yourselves! We will be returning to the mythology well, as we should!

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3906 days ago
Yeah, this is pretty much my reaction.
Blacksburg VA
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in today's top story, little mister chubby cheeks has claimed another victim

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January 13th, 2014next

January 13th, 2014: Are you drinking liquid out of your cupped hands right now? YOU ARE?? Wow sheesh that's a problem; luckily one that can be easily solved via CAPITALISM:

yes indeed

One year ago today: the perfect man and the perfect woman are from two different genres, it'll never work! SORRY HETEROSEXUALS

– Ryan

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3936 days ago
If only I'd recycled more, but it's too late now since lava is turning me into a skeleton.
Blacksburg VA
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3950 days ago
Spider-hideout rock is not just a name: they emerge from their slumber
Blacksburg VA
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